Insanity Ensuing
Sunday, March 02, 2003
      ( 7:42:00 PM ) Miss Scarlet  
Things have progressed and come to a standstill at the same time, I'm not sure how that is possible and I just hope the energy is built up, rather than gone for good. You know that law of Newton's (?) about how energy can neither be created nor destroyed, well...I like to think about that law and how it works with everything. Maybe it's just further proof of how big of a science dork I can be or I'm onto something that will lead to my New York Times Bestseller in a few years when I'm in my "Late Twenties". I think this is all a result of watching the entire first season of Sex and the City in the past 2 weeks. I love that show.
Anyway, I can't help but wonder how things will be changing in the coming months, weeks, days, and even in the next few hours. While I am a fan of change because it's exciting, I'm also sentimental about just about everything and change does not mix well with that mindset. College of course was a huge changing time and that's when I guess I've made my biggest transition into the type of person I am. Well, sort of...Junior year helped a lot, haha. I'm not as shy as I used to be and now meeting people brings the best thrill, I'm addicted. And it seems that since moving to Richmond has brought another changing time, This one's been more scandalous in my own mind. No details, thanks. Now I'm just writing from stream of conscious so that's always my cue to say...

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Too much is going on in my brain.

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